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Tesla may Autopilot software that its Model S cars partly self-propelled makes roll-out in Europe.Tesla CEO Elon Musk says that worldwide supervisors agreed to the deployment of the software in Japan.The software was published last week in the US Although the agreement is now also in other countries, it is unclear exactly when the function is available in Europe.Autopilot software enables Tesla Model S models that are made partly from self-propelled September 2014. The function is primarily intended for highway.The Model S may itself maintain the proper distance to the vehicle and stay in the right lane. If necessary the car can also change independently of roadway. The job requires directors have their hands lightly to hold the steering wheel.In addition, the Model S is maneuvering itself. In a new version of the software is improved according to Musk roadway detection of Auto Pilot and the software driving style should feel smoother.Tesla expects that its cars are eventually completely self-propelled. Therefore, the Auto Pilot software will be expanded in the coming years with more and more features. The company expects its technology for a fully autonomous car over to have completed three years.
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