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Maria Sharapova Biography

Tennis Player Maria Sharapova Biography

Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova

Yes that same cloying thing, these Hollywood tales: solid "mi-mi-mi", mixed with saliva and snot. Well, became the richest athlete in 20 years, well, reached to the same age in the business of almost all possible vertices is still all right. But that at the same time also have the appearance of a model?And mom and dad, both from the American TV series?Besides boyfriends - one of the other beautiful? No, sorry, there are no forces. Envy scary - Maria Sharapova.
Maria Sharapova Childhood
Maria Sharapova Childhood
"If it were not for Chernobyl, nothing would have happened. Most likely, I would not play tennis. But I have to say thank you to my parents, they were not afraid to take a chance that they gave destiny.They have always been very brave people, and subconsciously I learned from their example. "
Parents like Maria Sharapova, indeed, the day the fire will not find. Not a chance we would not have tennis, even with all her talents, to become what it has become, if Mom and Dad did not make every day for her exploits. Yuri and Elena Sharapovy married in Gomel, very close to Chernobyl, sadly famous throughout the world for a year before Mary was born. When the summer of 1986 tennis parents realized that soon they will have a child, they do not delay, began to act. Yury brought the family as far as possible, in the Siberian city of Nyagan. It was there April 19, 1987 Mary was born.Two years later the family moved to Sochi.

Maria recalls that in kindergarten years it has mainly been engaged mother. Dad was always on the road for work, but, nevertheless, every waking moment trying to dedicate his daughter. His passion was tennis, and he tried to give her child, was engaged to Mary himself, and then gave it to a sports school. "I was immediately struck by that in 4.5 years she was a child mentally healthy development - recalled first coach Yuri Yudkin Sharapova. - Masha absorbed everything I told her and showed. She mastered those bumps that are still not clear to all. At age 7, already knew how to perform twisted pitch and was a small master. "

In Sochi tennis circles Masha was a celebrity - she was even born in this city Kafelnikov presented racket. Everyone said Yuri Sharapov that he needed her daughter to develop further, in the Russian context her talent will just disappear, so Yury took the child to Moscow. "My dad and I arrived at a tennis exhibition in Moscow, which is visited by Martina Navratilova. She gave open classes - told Sharapova. - Martin looked a few punches, recalled my father aside and told him that I was a very gifted man. Therefore, on returning home, I decided that it would be better to go to America. "
In six years, Mary "decided" that the Russian tennis career she can not build. Rent closed courts in winter and autumn the family could not afford - another thing to fly to the United States, without money, language skills and any ideas on how you can get there. Mary's father supported the decision: borrowed money from friends, bought the tickets, put the remaining $ 700 in his pocket and started to pack. "I remember most of all worried because books: put in a whole bunch of suitcase, told my mom that I wanted it, I had a piece of my country," - says Maria. Mom stayed in Sochi - she just did not give a visa. And, nevertheless, Sharapova somehow not abandoned his plans. Yury he remained without a wife and work and leave the child without a normal childhood, school, and most importantly, without a mother. But, obviously, Mary career he placed above sentiments. Dad and daughter came to the United States in the spring of 1994, their goal was one of the best tennis schools in the world - Nick Bolliteri Academy in Florida. 
Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova
Upon his arrival in the United States directly from the plane Yuri and Maria went to the Academy. Girl there looked appreciate her talent, and advised certainly come to them to learn. Two years later.Seven years of their children to school just did not take - in the absence of the Jury of the Internet in the years just could not know. Still, he decided not to return home. Took up the dirty, low-paid work, filmed questionable apartment, but stubbornly believe in luck. "I spent a lot of time alone with myself - confessed Maria. - Dad worked around the clock. He would come home at night, I was preparing to eat, wrap it in pillows and blankets to the food hot. I woke up one morning, my father had left for work at the time - but I at least had something to eat for breakfast. " "I remember when we were driven out of the apartment because I could not pay: in the pocket was only a few dollars - said Yury. - The hosts threatened to expel me. I pleaded with them: "You can not kick me with a small child!" But they assured me that very can! "

Two years Yuri and Maria fought for their place in the sun in Florida, and finally took the first step on the road to tennis career girls: she won a grant for studies at the Academy and was able to begin to engage the coach who brought up any world champion. "When Mary first appeared in the academy, she was so thin that if it was put in my profile, it would not be visible - remember Nick Bolliteri. - Slowly but surely, by the age of 10-11, it was already clear: she knows what she wants to achieve. I remember Yuri stood and wrote down everything that I say on the court. He listened and studied with her, and then began to understand what to do. Yuri good effect on Mary. "

The main thing that distinguishes Mary from peers, according to the coaches, was her fighting spirit - she loved to compete and most importantly, "hard to hit the ball." Adult tournaments Maria made her debut in 2001, and two years later she was recognized as the best rookie of the Women's Tennis Association. At 16, she played up the famous artists, including the 8th-ranked Elena Dementieva, but even then, few could have predicted that very soon she Sharapova burst into the top five.Tournament after she moved up, and all the time at every game, every workout beside her father was. Yuri Sharapov tireless led her daughter to the main tournament in her life - Wimbledon 2004.Reach the final competition of this level in 17 years has been an incredible achievement, but Maria did more in the final match she did not leave any chance to 1st racket of the world, threatening to American Serena Williams: 6: 1, 6: 4. 
"In the last play I hit the ball, and then heard the crowd roared, and fell to her knees - recalls Maria. - I thought, "What have I done?" People applauded me, shouting that I won, and I could not believe it. "What happened next was not able to put even the most talented Hollywood director melodramas.After recovering from the shock, Mary ran to the stands, where sat upstairs Yury. Housewives in tears, winner of Wimbledon's way through the ranks of the audience to his father, the father pulls his hands to her, pressed her to him, and then both of them, touching and shamelessly, begin to cry."After the way we came, we've been through, and what made - it was a great moment - was recognized Sharapova. - I looked at his father in tears, and I thought, "What have I done to his eyes were those tears of happiness?" "You know, it's a great thing, a great - echoed her father. - And at the same time, you feel relief that it was all over. You grab your child, thank God, and that's all! ".
The victory at Wimbledon, Sharapova made from 8-th World, and six months after the victory in the final World Cup, Maria received the title of best player of the year and rose to 4th place ranking. At that moment a young blonde with the model parameters has been a favorite of Americans.Journalists vying put her picture on the cover of magazines and printed her interview, large companies - concluded her exclusive contracts for considerable sums. In 2005, Forbes Magazine included Mary the "100 most influential celebrities of the world," (she was the only Russian woman in this list), and then found her income and was surprised to find that the girl no less became the richest athlete in the world.
 But despite the advances that Mary was giving the press and professionals, she did not become the undisputed number one world ranking, how were the same as Serena Williams and Belgian Justine Henin-Hardenne. In the years since that memorable Wimbledon 8 years old Sharapova won only 2 Grand Slam tournament - a series of the most prestigious competitions in the tennis world (for comparison, Serena these victories was 13). All these years, Maria then flew up, then promptly fell down, becoming the first player in the world, and then retiring in the first round of minor tournaments.But what is most interesting achievements in sport girl had no effect on its popularity. In the American press, Sharapova has long been a heroine pages secular, not a sports chronicle. Even large companies that continued to sign contracts with Russian, did not care what the results show their "face", with the proviso that it is so fresh, attractive, and most importantly, fashionable and popular.

But if the United States Mary was adored and desired, in Russia in tennis circles irritation towards the athlete grew in direct proportion to its success. At the Olympics in Athens in 2004, Sharapova had not taken, citing the fact that an application for participation in the tournament took shape before winning the girls at Wimbledon, when she still no one believed. Maria did not greatly upset, suggesting that she will have many opportunities in front of his duty to give the homeland, but there it was. Many tennis team, including then the 1st number of the country Anastasia Myskina, Maria insisted on weaning from participation in the Fed Cup - the most prestigious tournament of national women's teams of the country, an analogue of the male of the Davis Cup - for the reason that it was "in Russian at all speaks with an accent. " Maria to these attacks always resented, and never tired of insisting that American itself is not considered. "I am Russian, I have Russian citizenship - urged journalists Sharapova. - If, for example, at the Olympics playing Russian with the Americans, I'll be rooting for the Russian. I can not answer why. I arranged. I have lived in America most of my life and I love this country, but I absolutely Russian blood. I even think I'm usually in Russian. "

Sharapova's dream to prove his love homeland has not yet come true: she did not go to the Olympics 2008 in Beijing, and in the Fed Cup appeared only in the early stages of the tournament, the team is not bringing much good. Love the motherland Maria seeks passionate, but at the moment the idol of America refers to the apparent low pressure, and it is perhaps the only vertex, which the girl could not be reached for his 24 years. 
Maria Sharapova Photoshoot
Maria Sharapova Photoshoot
How many sweet moments Maria Sharapova brought millions of men around the world, publishing on the courts of their heartbreaking, exciting blood and screams awaken desire, they're moaning, they're sighing. Of course, it is not the only one. Many tennis players during a kick similar sounds (which obviously helps to attach to the ball with more power), but Sharapova moan turns so special. Fans of statistics say that the maximum force on the court crying Mary was recorded in 2009: 105 decibels - that this level of noise has a jet engine. "When I cry, I get distracted from everything - explained Maria.- The world is a million things, but I can not think about them during the game. In general, you would know how I tortured this topic! Journalists ask me about my cry on the court since I started playing tennis - as if this is my main attraction. " We agree with you, Mary! Of the attractions you have more shapely legs from the ears, or a natural blond tresses color. But cry .... cry somehow sexier. 
maria sharapova hot
maria sharapova hot
And yet the world is unfair! While the best athletes in the world in the sweat of the arenas, courts, stadiums and make their millions of dollars on food, Maria Sharapova gets everything just so. The last six years is the richest woman Celebrity (Stas Mihaylov does not count, the bottom line of money he earned less), the richest sportswoman of the world and the only woman in the top 50 richest athletes of the world. At the same time, earnings tennis inversely proportional to its results. Judge for yourself, according to the magazine Forbes, the least money Mary earned in 2005 and 2006 - about $ 19 million. But in the worst seasons for a 2008, 2009 and 2010, tormented by injuries athlete placed in the pocket 26, 22 and 25 million, respectively! In this work brought Sharapova only $ 1 million, and the rest - it's advertising contracts, and the sale of its own line of clothing.
So, two years ago, Sharapova signed a contract with Nike under which earns eight years $ 70 million. And two years ago just as impressive revenue it promised to make Sony Ericsson. Special pride in the bank Mary - contracts with famous brand clothing Cole Haan. In cooperation with the girl began to run their test line of clothing, and then - tasted success - became a full model and designer brands. "Designer" Sharapova and Nike - sportswear, respectively, as well as Tag Heuer - sunglasses and watches. In addition, the tennis player touts brands Tiffany, Prince, Land Rover, Canon and Evian.
Life Style
Maria Sharapova Boyfriend.
Maria Sharapova Boyfriend.
Due to the young age and very heavy workload Maria Sharapova could not, until recently, boast rich personal life. That strict father drove all the handle, the tournaments are not allowed free time for fun.The first hint happened in her life novel Mary gave in 2005, when it became too tight to be friends with the American tennis player Andy Rodica, who at the time was older than Mary dating for 5 years. It is usual for European morality age difference Puritans Americans was too provocative, a term for sexual abuse of minors Andy would not have received, but from a public censure would not escaped.Roddick and Sharapova always appeared together on the beach or in a restaurant, but claimed that their tender friendship ties. A chance to "get out of the gloom" and the pair fell out: whatever their relationship, they have ended earlier than tennis players have the courage to tell the whole truth about it.
The next boyfriend Charlie Ebersol was Mary, a young producer and son of a big TV magnate USA.Obscenely rich and beautiful couple over a year graced a secular event, and especially - the basketball matches, to which Ebersol was a great hunter. Charlie not only instilled in Mary love of basketball, but also introduced a range of players on the team, "Los Angeles Lakers", on which, in general, and got burned. In 2009, one such joint barbecue worth Ebersol girl, Mary became acquainted with Slovenian basketball player Sasha Vuyachich and became heir of millions handle. 
Relationship with Sasha Sharapova turned the most robust: one year after the most barbecue, in autumn 2010, 26-year-old athlete gave sweetheart wedding ring, which she graciously accepted. Not hiding his happiness, the couple began to plan a wedding date, but then for some reason changed her mind. "We are still young and we have so much to do! There is a lot, a lot of work, so that the wedding date will be announced any time soon, "- admitted while Sharapova. "We know that we have different careers, but we always remember that we are together. We rarely see each other, but can always look at each other on TV "- said the situation Vujacic. 
At the end all and could, whenever agents last week announced athletes: the wedding of Maria and Sasha take place November 10! Where is the celebration itself - has been kept a closely guarded secret.

Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova Boyfriend.
Maria Sharapova Boyfriend.

Maria Sharapova Childhood
Maria Sharapova Childhood 

Maria Sharapova Childhood
Maria Sharapova Childhood 

maria sharapova hot
maria sharapova hot

Maria Sharapova Photoshoot
Maria Sharapova Photoshoot

Maria Sharapova Photoshoot
Maria Sharapova Photoshoot

Maria Sharapova Wallpaper
Maria Sharapova Wallpaper

Maria Sharapova Wallpaper
Maria Sharapova Wallpaper

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Item Reviewed: Maria Sharapova Biography Description: Yes that same cloying thing, these Hollywood tales: solid "mi-mi-mi", mixed with saliva and snot. Well, became the richest athlete in 20 years, Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown