For the first time since 2007, Google (Alphabet) passed by Apple in terms of market capitalization. Tim Cook of the firm pays its dependence iPhone while Google confirms its supremacy and exploring new territories.
This may be a change of era in which we are witnessing. That of the takeover of internet services in the high-tech and in the global economy. For the first time ever, Google -renommé Alphabet summer dernier- just dethrone Apple and has become the listed company the most valued in the world. The firm of Larry Page was worth last night following the publication of its results at around $ 568 billion against 539 billion for that of Tim Cook. All thanks to better than expected last year, when its net profit rose 12% to $ 15.8 billion, and its turnover by 14% to almost $ 75 billion.
The gap between the two giants of Silicon Valley kept reduced in recent months. There is still a year valuation Apple was close to $ 330 billion higher than that of Google. Suffice to say that an ocean separated the two behemoths. Apple seemed untouchable top of its 690 billion market capitalization.
But now, since the future of the iPhone maker was darkened when one of the Mountain View giant has emerged. If Apple’s sales have remained solid in 2015, Tim Cook acknowledged last week that for the first time since its launch, the iPhone would sell less on the next quarter. Now the smartphone is the sinews of war from Apple. The iPhone accounts for two thirds of the turnover of the firm and especially most of the profits. Without him, Apple would probably not one of the famous Gafa today. Result: when the iPhone sneezes, it’s Apple who catches cold. And the stock market is cruelly pay Apple fails to build a new pillar of growth. The iPad is in freefall for nearly two years, the Mac is limping along and in turn if the Watch is sold properly it remains for now a niche market that will probably take years before weighing as much as smartphones (if he does one day).
Apple retreats, Google is universal
Tim Cook who brilliantly parlayed legacy Steve Jobs hard to invent the future. If the rumors are numerous (in the car, in virtual reality, in the video …), no project seems about to arrive. While Steve Jobs succeeded with iPhone, iPad, or iPod to have fifteen minutes in advance, Tim Cook gives the impression of having a good half hour late. While Facebook is about to embark on virtual reality, Netflix dominates the world of video and that Google has never been so close to launch its cars, Apple hesitates, refines and eventually was overtaken by companies more agile.
Starting with Google. While Apple gives the impression of being locked into a niche (services and quality products but less and less affordable), Google it to be universal. In the smartphone, it crushes the competition with a market share of nearly 80% and its supremacy is unchallenged in internet services (search, video, email, mapping …). Certainly, Google has failed and they are many. Google Glass multiple attempts in social networks (Google +) via the e-commerce (Google Shop never took off). But unlike Apple, Google constantly launches new products and services. There are certainly a lot of “waste” but only one successful enough to make up for everything else.
But Facebook station in ambush
So Google gives the impression of creating a complete eco-system in the high-tech: Health (Calico), drones through automotive, connected objects (Nest), stratospheric balloons (Loon) besides countless projects meeting within the X-Lab … Google spins its web and diversifying its sources of income. When Apple digs the same furrow for some years.
Only downside to the table: the emergence of Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg site directly attacks the Google portfolio with its business model based on advertising. So for now, the cake is big enough to satisfy the two behemoths, the rise of Facebook who dream of universal internet hub could eventually begin revenues from Google. Besides, it’s not the Google Gafa which experienced the largest increase in a year to the Exchange. Is Facebook (+ 55%).
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Google louder than Apple
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