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Mexico 20th Century Fox has confirmed that from today, 20 October, will be available on iTunes the downloadable digital version of Dragon Ball Z: The Resurrection of F , and on DVD from 27th of this month.
Through the official Facebook of the 20th Century FOX , in a conversation I had a user of Facebook, has shared that from today the official version is available with the latest film dubbing masterpiece of Akira ToriyamaDragon Ball Z. main novelty is that in the following link where you can buy it at $ 189 pesos , credits the voice actors who starred in the film are given: Mario Castañeda , Gerardo Reyero , Rene Garcia , Eduardo Garza , Pedro D’Aguillon , Dew Garcel and Charles II .
This initiative promotes the success of the film at the time of the contribution billboard and dubbing and original voices. But that is not here, because FOX also revealed that The Resurrection of Freezer will be available on DVD from October 27. It is awaiting distribution in countries outside Mexico and yearn for a future notice if there were to produce Blu-ray, because they have not yet confirmed this movie in quality.
Update 1: The Resurrection of F now available in the United States through Google Play from your Smartphone. It stressed that Latin American countries only the trailer is available now and that the prices of their respective currencies will soon appear. Neither Chile nor Mexico, Peru and Venezuela are available.
Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Z - The Resurrection of Freezer: #DragonBallZ, #DragonBallZTheResurrectionOfFreezer