Wednesday 3 February 2016

Whatsapp has 1 billion users

The messaging service Whatsapp has more than 1 billion users.
That milestone was the night of Monday to Tuesday announced by co-founder Jan Koum.
Daily sent about 42 billion messages. Go there every day, around 1.6 billion photos and 250 million videos from one user to another. Whatsapp is the most popular messaging service in the world, followed by Facebook Messenger.
whatsapp Graph
WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook in 2014. Then there were ‘only’ 450 million users. The deal totaled about $ 19 billion.
The messaging was recently completely free, after some users previously have been asked to pay about one euro per year for the app.
Whatsapp will enter Facebook users earn money by linking the app to companies. Thus for example, must be easy for companies to show their support via Whatsapp walk, or even sell products through the service. Ads do not want to show Whatsapp.
The messaging app was founded in 2009 and in November of that year to download from the App Store for the iPhone. Shortly thereafter appeared apps for Blackberry, Symbian andAndroid. In the early days of WhatsApp was unique that the service could be used to chat with people on various phone platforms.
Whatsapp, WhatsApp Android, WhatsApp App - #Whatsapp, #WhatsAppAndroid, #WhatsAppApp

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