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WWE are contacting John Cena and Brock Lesnar regarding filling in for the injured Seth Rollinson WWE Raw. Dave Meltzer stated on Wrestling Observer Radio “I’m certain they are on the phone with Brock Lesnar and John Cena right now.”
Top names could be appearing on Raw as soon as Monday. It is believed that WWE are going to feel a need to act, due to the levels of depletion in their main roster. With Seth Rollins and Randy Orton out injured, the company is facing up to the fact that their talent is thin on the ground and the title picture has few real contenders.
Getting Cena back early is the best move they can make. He’s the biggest star in the company and can instantly provide a lift. He had been due time off and wasn’t scheduled to return until December, but being the company guy he is, expect him to take Vince McMahon’s call and turn up for work. The only issue could be regarding a rumoured television show he’s shooting. If that is the case, then obviously he won’t be able to just jump back over to WWE.
As for Brock Lesnar, the company would have to negotiate new dates with him and offer more money. They absolutely need him right now, so there’s definitely a chance he’ll come in.