Friday 26 December 2014

Weather songs from Madonna leaked

There are songs again leaked Madonna. After thirteen songs last week, this time there are still fourteen new songs appeared on the internet. One of the leaked songs is a collaboration with Pharrell.
Madonna responded shortly after the first leak already furious. She called the hack artistic rape and a form of terrorism. The post was removed shortly thereafter. It was written that her new album Rebel Heart now would be online, but denied that the singer. It considers the demo recordings to a time ago were stolen.
Monday she gave free six new songs. "I'd rather my fans hear all versions of my new songs than the patches that are now found on the Internet. Refer to these numbers but as an early Christmas present, "she had then said in a statement to the BBC.
Under the new set of numbers are according to New York Daily News titles like Beatiful Scars, Tragic Girl, Freedom, Iconic, Nothing Lastst Forever and Veni Vidi Vici.The collaboration with Pharrell would have the title Back That Up (Do It).
The entire thirteenth album of Madonna is until 10 March in the store.

Madonna 2015
Madonna 2015

Madonna 2015
Madonna 2015

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