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They reveal that the actor joins Dreamworks production

It has been released by the site Variety that Sam Riley ( Pride and Prejudice and Zombies , Maleficent ) is the villain in the upcoming film Ghost in the Shell .
The film live action is carried out jointly by Dreamworks with Paramount , the latter who will handle international distribution .
Previously announced to Scarlett Johansson and Pilou Asbæk as part of the cast.
As was also mentioned, the film will be directed by Rupert Sanders ( Snow White and the Huntsman ) and is scheduled for release on March 31, 2017 .
Ghost in the Shell, Ghost in the Shell Movie, Pilou Asbæk, Scarlett Johansson #GhostInTheShell, #GhostInTheShellMovie, #PilouAsbæk, #ScarlettJohansson