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En route to the creation of new virtual reality game called Pokémon themed GO Pokémon , Nintendo, The Pokémon Company and Google invested 20 million dollars to the company Niantic Labs with a possibility of 10 million more if the new project does meet certain objectives have not yet been disclosed.
As we reported earlier , The Pokémon Company announced a partnership with GO Niantic Labs for Pokémon that allow players to catch Pokémon possess mobile phones in the world around it. It will be an application that will direct them to places in the real world where they will be able to “catch” as virtual objects. Pokémon GO will come out next year, and will be joined by another application that you can have on hand, is Pokémon GO Plus , which connects via Bluetooth and through a vibration with an LED light alerts the user when pokémon nearby.
pokemon Game, Pokémon GO #PokemonGame, #PokémonGO