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#Luffy, #Nami, #OnePiece, #RororoaZoroIn the last hours, the official Japanese website of the anime One Piece will update with a countdown, as the time remaining to reach the next Monday, August 3, and thus can also see a series of 8 silhouettes.Among the images of the silhouettes is a Japanese phrase “Sai Shuketsu seyo” (再 集結 せ よ!), Which could be translated as a kind of assembly of troops.It is suspected that this new ad does not specifically Pirates crew of Straw Hat (Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Sanji. Chopper, Brook, Usopp, Franky and Nico Robin), but could refer to a possible group antagonists, which overcame the pirates before, keep reporting.
- nico robin
- nico robin
- nami
- nami
- roronoa zoro
- roronoa zoro
- Luffy
- Luffy
- One Piece
- One Piece
- Luffy
- sanji
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