Monday, 30 June 2014

Link Building, naturalness asset! Article - News hubz

Link building is a process which is particularly naturally be undertaken. And that is what this article is all about!

Link Building Gogole yahoo bing Alexa

Link building, a piece of history

Link building is particularly important because Google, the largest and most important search engine, attaches great importance to links to your website. They see this fact as a vote for your website. In itself a logical thought. Because the more links you have to your site the more important will be the content. Simple right? And the more reliable the website that links to your website, the heavier the vote counts.
Getting links to your website is very important to score inside Google high. But one thing we should not forget! Google has this variable (number of links and the quality thereof) is not for nothing are highly valued. Because, in the ideal case, a website gets left alone if there really is to find something interesting.
And that is exactly the opposite of link building! Because ideally linking other websites to your website, voluntarily! And the purpose of link building is to make other webmasters to place warm. Link to your website

Naturalness asset

Today there are many different techniques to get. Many links to your website fast However, Google does not like this. Why not? It is not "natural" as a site suddenly gets a lot left.
In the ideal case, as described above, you will occasionally find a webmaster your great content and link here. Just because he feels that his visitors there to do something. In this way, the number and type of links will grow naturally.
When link building, we must therefore ensure that we may proceed so natural!

Tips for natural link building

Speed ​​of link building

The first tip I have already mentioned above. It is not, of course, when there are hundreds of links referring to your website suddenly. So make sure that you work continues steadily.
Certainly new websites should be careful with this. In these sites, it is most unlikely that refer to this website one week after launch hundreds of links. So the older your site, the higher you can apply. Pace of link building
In this tip a small note must still be placed. These are also launched new websites, much media attention due to their conspicuity or marketing budget. These have a very short time so many links. In itself this is nothing wrong with that. Because these are natural links. The following tips will be clear what I mean.

Variation in anchor text

The anchor text (anchor text) is that piece of text which is linked to another website. Often identified by the blue color and underline. In the following example, the word search engine optimization anchor text:
Lots of information about search engine optimization can be found on
Every webmaster will be using a different text to link to. Your In the example above would include the following anchor texts are available: click here, here, Charles geenen, seo optimization, search engine marketing. In other words, a natural link building process so many different anchor texts will occur. When there is always the same anchor text is used for Google will be a clear case of "manual link building."
My tip is to also use your manual link building. Different anchor texts Even words like "click here". Of course you can avoid the main keyword more than the other words. Another tip is to use. Related anchor texts For example, "SEO" is a good replacement for "search engine optimization".

Relevant links

This tip requires little explanation methinks. Often (not always) a webmaster will only go to your link when available information related to the page where the webmaster insert the link.
If so I would gather from a toy web site to this blog thousands of links that will harm rather than good.

Unique IP Address

Each website has a unique IP address. Think of it as a street and house number. In a natural process, there will be several websites to your link. Many links from the same "house" (or even sitewide links) are unnatural (unless of course your own sites).
So try to provide as many links from unique IP addresses. With this IP address - website tool you can find out what IP address belongs to which website.
For the record, all Home daughters have the same IP address!

Home versus deeper page

In a natural link building process there will be links to all sorts of pages appear on your website (if there is good information on it). Collect hundreds of links to your website alone is not wise. This is for two reasons, first, Google sees this as unnatural. Secondly, you should also ask yourself whether you just want to score or rather the deeper (product) pages. Your homepage The fact is that such product pages have a higher conversion gain than the home page.

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